National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations, Inc.
The Coalition includes Art therapy, Dance/Movement therapy, Drama therapy, Music therapy, and Poetry therapy.
Creative Arts Therapists are human service professionals who use arts-based interventions and creative processes for the purpose of ameliorating disability and illness and optimizing health and wellness. Treatment outcomes include, for example, improving communication and expression, and increasing physical, emotional, cognitive and/or social functioning. Creative Arts Therapists are trained and credentialed according to their distinct profession and each Creative Arts Therapy field is governed by a seperate professional association with a unique scope of practice. There are more than 15,000 Creative Arts Therapists practicing in the United States and around the world. Creative Arts Therapy organizations have been active in this country for over 50 years.
See our Annual Reports that detail our activities 2017-2018, 2016-2017, 2015-2016, 2014-2015, 2013-2014, 2012-2013

Where do Creative Arts
Therapists Work?
• adult day treatment centers
• community mental health centers
• community residences and halfway houses
• correctional and forensic facilities
• disaster relief centers
• drug and alcohol programs
• early intervention programs
• general hospitals
• home health agencies
• hospices
• neonatal nurseries
• nursing homes
• outpatient clinics
• psychiatric units and hospitals
• rehabilitative facilities
• senior centers
• schools
• wellness centers
What qualifications do Creative Arts Therapists have?
Each Creative Arts Therapy discipline has its own set of professional standards and requisite qualifications. As a group, Creative Arts Therapists are highly skilled, credentialed professionals having completed extensive coursework and clinical training.
How do the Creative Arts Therapies address major social issues?
Cutting-edge applications of Creative Arts Therapies are being used to address the most complex societal issues. Issues being addressed are those that have been identified as key federal initiatives by the President and Cabinet officials.
For example:
School Violence Prevention and Intervention
Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
Campaign Against Suicide
Domestic Violence Prevention
Substance Abuse Prevention
Health Prevention and Promotion
Breast Cancer Treatment